Dragon's Blood

Availability: Out of stock
Delivery time: 1-4 weeks

Dragon's blood is the juice or resin from the Croton Lechleri tree from the Amazons and a natural remedy that has been used for centuries in the Amazons as well as in Chinese Medicine for many skin conditions as well as for healing certain diseases of the gastrointestinal track like diarrhea and ulcers. It is scientifically proven to speed up the healing of wounds, it kills viruses, had anti inflammatory properties and helps to stop bleeding by making a protective layer on the wound. It can be used for wounds, but also for skin rashes, to ease insect bites and works very well on burns. 

This Dragon's Blood is of a very good quality with no water added.

To use it on the skin you can out it directly or you can make a paste out of it by putting a few drops on your hand palm and then stir it for some time with your finger till it gets thick. If you use it internally you can use a max of 5 drops a day without supervision. If you want to use more please seek for professional guidance on this as Dragon's Blood is a powerful medicine that can affect the heart.

Disclaimer: Dragon's Blood is not a substitute for western medical treatment, if you have a health imbalance or disease please consult your doctor or other appropriate professional. In the text above we share native ancient and our own experience with the Dragon's Blood but this does not give any guarantee for future use by others and has no scientific proof. 

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