Noke Koi Paka Kamãnawa

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A very pure, strong and beautiful Rapé full of healing force. Re-aligning the body and spirit and connecting you to Spirit. Harmonious and purifying. A well balanced rapé, a bit more to the gentle side, but one that carries a beautiful healing force, connected to the Amazoon jaguar. This Rapé is made with ashes from the sacred Tsunu tree.  

It's made with deep prayers by Paka Kamãnawa, a strong young healer from the Noke Koi tribe. Paka is a leader in his village from the young people, bringing deep prayers as well as beautiful melodies and music. 

The Noke Koi tribe, which means the true people, has various sub-tribes. The Kamãnawa are part of the Noke Koi tribe and they are the people of the jaguar. The jaguar brings a strong healing force, taking all away that is not in service of life and bringing strong protection. They live along the Gregoria river in the Amazons of Acre, Brazil. Shamanism is a very important part of their culture, honoring the medicine plants and those who know how to work with them deeply. Among the medicines they work with like Ayahuasca, Kambo and Sananga, they say that Rapé is their most important medicine. Rapé gives them protections, enables them to enforce their prayers and they say that Rapé is the biggest healer. When somebody is sick the shaman would receive a Rapé and the Rapé would enable the shaman to heal the person.   

This product is an insence and not ment for ingestion. We don't claim that this product has any healing properties.

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